new classes – two locations:

Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Certification. Testing fee – $20.00


Proper Use of Retractable Leashes

Many love the idea of a retractable leash. It gives their dog a little freedom to roam and run while still connected to you. However, it is my opinion there is a proper way to use them and a dangerous way to use them.

The proper way would be to use the one that is suited for your size dog. Another is to make sure you do not let out too much cord at one time in a populated or heavily wooded area. It is always best to keep your dog close to you on a walk as it is your responsibility to always look ahead to anticipate any problems that may arise to distract your dog. Always check that the lock is working properly and that you can easily manipulate it to lock that cord in case of an emergency, such as your dog taking off after another dog, running into traffic or chasing squirrels, bikes, skate boards, etc.

The first time you use the leash, try it in an open area so you get the feel of how to control it. When you use the retractable leash improperly, you can be in for a serious injury to you and your dog.

Having spent 30 years in the medical field, I can tell you first hand of the numerous injuries I have encountered due to the improper use of retractable leashes. For example, if you let out too much cord in a populated area, such as the park where there are many people walking their dogs, you have the problem of getting the cord entangled with another. When getting two or more dogs who don’t know each other too close together (invading the others space), it can cause a nasty fight to break out while you are trying to untangle them.

People have panicked and have not been able to quickly lock the cord and have grabbed the cord which has caused severe cuts and rope burns on their legs and hands, not to mention a dog bite from a panicked dog. When the dog runs around a wooded area, there is the chance ofthe dog choking and injuring the trachea while trying to untangle themselves from around a few trees. If the cord is too long, the the dog can get way ahead of you and turn a corner where you can’t see what possible trouble may be ahead.

The worst injury I have encountered is a woman who came into the office of a surgeon where I worked and had four of her fingers partially amputated while walking her German Shepherd on a retractable leash. She could not lock it in time and she grabbed the rope of the leash and the rest is history.

This type of leash should never be used by young children!

Now, let’s talk about the positive side of a retractable leash.

The retractable leash is great for training your dog to fetch and return and recalls (teaching your dog to come to you on command.) It is wonderful for letting your dog out in your back yard when it is raining or snowing so you don’t have to go out yourself. It is great to use if you are a disabled person or senior who can’t walk very far and maybe doesn’t have a fenced in yard and would like your dog to go out and have fun while still in your reach.

Accidents do and will always happen, however with awareness we can help to keep our cherished pets a little safer.

Crate Training In A Nut Shell

When I ask my clients if they use a crate for their dog, most of the time
I get a no. When asked why, some people think in is cruel and others
think that their dogs just don’t need a crate.

So, let’s take this from the beginning. Dogs are descendants of
wolves. Where do wolves find shelter in the wild? They find it in a
cave or cave-like environment. This is to protect them from the
elements and other predators. This is a safe haven for them. It is
also a place where they will go to give birth and protect their young.
Like wolves, dogs need that safe haven or environment from the
elements. In our domestic life, those elements can be small children,
other dogs, loud noises, or crowded spaces. Just like humans, dogs
need their own space. I know that some of you say, well, I just put
them in a room and close the door. That is a fine solution, however;
depending on the age and behavior of the dog, that can also be an

Crate training is a POSITIVE tool to work with when raising and
training your dog. First and foremost; THE CRATE IS NEVER USED AS
A PUNISHMENT! It is a tool that helps with a variety of issues. Potty
training is one of those issues. You need the proper size for your
particular dog. So in utilizing a crate; size matters. The subject of
Potty training will be discussed at another time.

The crate becomes a safe place when you cannot keep constant
watch on your puppy or dog that is not quite trained yet. This will
prevent a lot of items in your home from being destroyed or your dog
from being injured. Since you would not leave a toddler or young child
unattended while you were cooking dinner or taking a shower for
slightly different reasons, such as flushing money or cell phone down
the toilet, wandering off to the backyard pool or sticking their fingers
in an electrical outlet, therefore; you would not leave your dog
unattended. So crates are for puppies and dogs that cannot be left
alone just as playpens and gated off areas are for toddlers and young
children who cannot be left alone. There is no cruelty involved.
Some other reasons for crate training your dog are if there is an
emergency evacuation due to hurricane or tornadoes and you need to
seek shelter elsewhere, you would not be able to bring your dog if it is
not in a crate. If you try to put your dog in a crate at the last minute
with no introduction to it, you will only put more stress on your dog

than the current situation. It would not be pleasant. Also, in traveling
with your dog, it is much safer while driving to have your dog in a
crate. Dogs can be stressed by noise, other passing cars or even get
car sick. Some will try to climb into the front seat to help you drive
and may wind up under your gas pedal or brake. It is easier for you to
control your dog at a rest stop when letting the dog out of the car for a
potty break.

So when you think about it, crate training is good for your dog and you!
Make it a positive time. Use a special treat to teach them to go into
their crate. Do something positive with them before you put them in
the crate. Whether it is a simple sit command or a fetch command,
before they go into the crate, this will help them to know that the
crate is a good place. Never yell at them or scold them just before
putting them in the crate. This will defeat your purpose and make
them think the crate is a bad place. Here is a hint. If you dog is
frightened by the crate, one thing you can do is place a board on top of
crate and put a sheet or blanket over it to create that den-like
atmosphere. This way you can drape the sheet or blanket away from
the crate so they don’t chew on it.

Please consider crate training your dog. You and your dog will be
much happier in the long run.

Gaitley Gus Enterprises LLC

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